Saturday, July 31, 2010


Went to Karaoke today. It was awesome =)
Its 10pm and I just finished my meal.. how pig
Im overly exhausted these days.. Still jetlag-ing + swollen feet due to high heel overdose + headache + tired skin + cracked voice.. yeaa, not feeling pretty at all. hope i gain back energy!

Plan :
- drink lots of waterrr
- sleep in earlier
- less pc , more resting

Its surprising how I can handle problems easily now. Before, Yz always seem to be caring too much and cant take her own decison,always stuck in to middle of the situation not knowing where to go. Now, Yz can tell whats good whats bad, whats worth her attention and when to let go. Im actually very proud of myself, for the first time.
We are too young, our future is still blurred. Having someone by your side means carrying a promise and a responsibility with you. While we are still finding our way out, this will only be a burden. I cant give you anythng and what you can give me is not what I wanted. Sometimes its better to stop the progress before it ends badly. Hope you can understand this.

With Love, YZ

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Comfyyy.. Made myself sandwitches & Rose flower tea

Bare faced + hair up + glasses. You will never catch me like this, ever..

Resting home , still jetlaging..
Just my bed, my netbook and myself in our little world , lalala
Sleeping in late and waking up late. Totally lost my appetite
Watching random shows, sleeping and stretching (LOL)
The only good thing coming out of these would be losing a few pounds =P ( well i hope)

Knowing whats worth your time, knowing when to catch up the opportunity
& knowing when to let go , is the key to happiness

With Love, YZ

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Unpacking my luggages with background music quite loud
Finally back to where I truely belong, Montreal
Landed around 4am July 26th and fell asleep right away
Blogspot was blocked in China.. ugh
The whole trip was awesome! Learned alot, ate alot, shopped alot ..and met some cute hairstylists
* wink wink * :D

Cousin and I*

Photoshoooot =)

La playa

Beijing airport

Olympic Birdnest

Hotel view from my second hometown, Sanya

I barely slept.. still on jetlag
So now everything goes back to normal
Im resting for a few days at home
Got a job interview Friday, wish me luck

Thats it for now, Ill try to get some rest.

With love, YZ