Friday, February 26, 2010

My room is the G-spot.

Ooh babe, i can make your bed rock ~

March break starts RIGHT NOW!! Trust me..I need this break, baaaad.
Waiting for the Olympic short track finals to start, 15 min to go.. tic tac.

So 'accidentaly' bumped into Dave after school @ Vendome.
& had a coffee with him. It's been so long..
Crazy how people can change & crazy how you've become pathetic now.
Dave ,you let me go. I went away. You regret now.
What can I say?
There's no more place in my heart for you, boy.
You teared me into pieces and i sweared that i will never love again.
But at that last second, another guy walked into my life and changed everything.
Maybe he'll walk out of it one day like you did ..
But the difference will always remain : You are a dick and he isn't.
Everything's over now.
Holding my hand doesn't help anything
Cause your palm has lost its warmth like my heart for you.
You always wanted me to be strong, now I am stronger than never.
Get over it cause I did.
I wrote this because you obviously did not understand what I said earlier.

With Love, Yz.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 more days.

& it's march break !! I need a big fat vacation right now.

Ouf, Composition de francais is over; It was so-so, not so sure but yeaah.
Was craving for McDo for damn 3 hours during compo so went there with Boo right after it.
Mmmmm.. 5kg+, way to go. LOL

CANADAAA 7-3 Russia. ( Winter Olympic Hockey quarter-final)
Wooooooooooot. & one gold one silver for Canada Women bobsled.

* cause you are special.

With Love, YZ

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Taro Fries. LOL

Fried some taros, mm mm.

Skipped Orchestra Rehersal cause i wasn't feeling good yesterday night and this morning.
Slept till 12am, much better now.

Have so much work to do.. French Compo preparation; History homework; Study for English Quizz & Math Midterm preparation. Damnit.

Repeating 'Naturally' again and again.

How you choose to express yourself, it's on ur own and i can't tell
It comes naturally , comes naturally
You follow what you feel inside, it's intuitive, you don't have to try
It comes naturally, mmmm it comes naturally
And it takes my breath away. what you do so naturally.
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally When you're with me, baby Bay bay baby

You have a way of moving me A force of nature, your energy
It comes naturally
And it takes my breath away . What you do, so naturally

With Love, YZ

Thursday, February 18, 2010


... So after all, thanks for making me a fighter 'cause all this have made me so much stronger.

It's 7:20 am; Eating breakfast.
Leaving for school in 5 min.
Vancouver 2010 Olympic games are awesome! :)
1rst period: history evaluation.
... wish me luck haha

Just updating the blog <3

With Love, YZ

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Lunar New Year !

Happy chinese and vietnamese and korean and ASIAN new year people! Stayed up late till 3am last night..chatting.
Went all the way down to Mont Saint-Sauveur this afternoon. Tuuuuubbbiiinnggg~ :D
Anyways, it was fun. Coming home tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Watcha say.

Replaying this song over and over again. [ Watcha say - Jason Derulo ]


Really need a day off right now.
Waking up late ;
Eating breakfast on the sunny balcony ;
Jogging with my iPod ;
Sitting next to a window & reading Psychology Books all day long in a library ;
Lying down on the grass and sleep ;
Watching Marilyn Monroe's movies over and over again ;
Doing facials while reading a magazine ;
Cooking dinner for myself ;
Walking down St-Denis & eating ice cream ;

How relaxing is that? Well that's what I do during summer vacation when I have a whole day for myself. Gosh I miss it so much. School is screwing up my mind and I rly rly need vacations.
Good thing is Spring Vacation is in 2 weeks - Bad thing is Summer Vacation is in 4 months.

Chase your dreams, fight for what you rly want & never, never give up.


With Love, YZ

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long Weekend.

Going to Mont Tremblant for 3 days + 2 nights. Skiiiing
Celebrating Chinese New Year with my family ♥
Finally got rid of Ethic Oral presentation and science mid-term exam. Ouff.


Lollipops turned into cigarettes.
Soda becomes vodka
Kisses turn into sex
Remember when gettin high meant swinging on the playground?
When protection meant wearing a helmet?
The most pain you felt was when you skinned ur knees.
And goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?

People change so that you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they are right.
People lie to you so eventually you learn to trust none but urself.

Sometimes, good things fall apart
so you can grow up and get tougher

With Love, YZ

Sunday, February 7, 2010

You built me up & break me down.

Went shopping and pho yesterday. Mm.
School tomorrow, ugh.

Single again . Breaks are no harm.
So hard, to keep distance with someone you love and he loves you back.. plus, you see this person everyday. But if that's the only way to keep you going, I'll go with it. As long as the love doesn't fade away with time.


It's a war romance & i'm looking forward to it

With Love, YZ

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Off

Skipped Journee Blanche & stayed home all day. Didn't feel like going out with my puffy eyes..
Feeling better, I guess.
I just hope that everything will be fine.
We can work this out right?

Trying to find receipe for Japanese Cream Stew. Yummm.

My eyes are hurting. Going to take a shower.

With Love, YZ.

Monday, February 1, 2010

What in the world is love?

Is it that hard for a guy to realize that he is treating his girlfriend like shit.
But when she complains, all he can say is
" grow up fuck "

What did I do to deserve this?

People always tell me to not get into a relationship expecting the person to change. What happens when you suddenly noticed , during the relationship, that this person has to change or else it isn't going to work out? Is waiting for miracle, a stupid thing?
All the tears, all the struggles, is it worth it?


You may say that I'm such a dumbass but I believe in us and besides, which couple doesn't fight?
I guess I'll just have to wait

.. more