Saturday, September 12, 2009

You are my miracle, like flowers blossom in winter ..<3

Waiting for your call* [..]
Parents went out this morning and are coming back around 1am... I wanted to go out but , somewhat...could not move my feet. =/ So i stayed home, had Roasted Portobello Spaghetti for dinner AND supper. Joy.. Re-played GDragon's HeartBreaker again and again ... School is getting really boring. Tons of shits to memorize and tons of pages to read.. ARGH!

{ You've been in my head the whole day. Every minute, every second..}

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life is just an uphill battle..Take it or loose it.

So school has started for 3 days now. Getting use to it, slooowly D:
Time goes by real fast, it's unbelievable..
Secondary 4 is going to be BIG. You fail sec 4, you 're pratically failing your life ..
Hence, i'll work hard hard hard. On one hand, i kinda..don't wanna fail my life..yknow. On the other, I guess it's just a way to stop thinking about shits and concentrate on school
So yea. I'm looking foward for this year :)
As the title says, life ,sometimes, is just an uphill battle. And i choose to take it.

& feel so sorry these days :( and feel really bad.
With Love, YZ